Tenants looking for housing in Copenhagen
Below you can see our database of tenants looking for housing in Copenhagen. Start your rental process here. Use the filter below to find individuals seeking rental housing in Copenhagen. You can create a listing for your available rental housing in Denmark directly here.
4 housing seekers
Looking for apartment for rent in Frederiksberg C, Denmark
2 rooms with separate doors (max 12000dkk), or 4 rooms (max 15500dkk).- Area: 50-100 m2
- Huslejeudspil: 15,500EUR
Looking for apartment for rent in Vesterbro, Østerbro or Rødovre, Denmark
We are looking for at least a two bedroom apartament, close to shops and supermaket and if applicable restaurants.- Area: 75-90 m2
Looking for apartment or room for rent in Copenhagen K, Copenhagen S or Copenhagen NV etc., Denmark
Wanted: 45-70 m2 apartment / room in Copenhagen K, Copenhagen S, Copenhagen NV, Copenhagen SV for rent- Area: 45-70 m2
Looking for apartment, house or room for rent in Copenhagen K, Aarhus C or Aarhus N etc., Denmark
Wanted: 20-24 m2 apartment / house / room in Copenhagen K, Aarhus C, Aarhus N, Aarhus V for rent- Area: 20-24 m2